SCW Introduction
A cluster is a group of computers connected together to act as one.
Clusters are formed of nodes, each usually has several processors and 10s or hundreds of gigabytes of RAM.
HPCW/SCW have clusters for researchers at Welsh universities to use
Logging in to SCW
ssh for the login node, from there connect to the cluster of your choice
hpcwhosts command shows a list of clusters
Filesystems and Storage
Scratch and home are per site, no common storage between sites.
Scratch is faster and has no quotas, its not backed up. home is slower, smaller but backed up
Running Jobs with Slurm
Interactive jobs let you test out the behaviour of a command, but aren’t pratical for running lots of jobs
Batch jobs are suited for submitting a job to run without user interaction.
Job arrays are useful to submit lots of jobs.
Slurm lets you set parameters about how many processors or nodes are allocated, how much memory or how long the job can run.
Slurm can email you when a job starts or finishes.
Working with Modules and Installing Software
A lot of software is only available by loading extra modules. This helps prevent problems where two packages are incompatible.
Python3 is one such package.
If you want to install pip packages use the –user option to store the packages in your home directory and load the http-proxy module first.
Optimising for Parallel Processing
HPC Best Practice
If you want to use SFTP from the command line instead of with Filezilla then these commands might be helpful.